Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Arrived in Kuala Lumpur

Stayed Sunday night in Steve's excellent flat in London. Thanks, Steve.

After an interminable 12:30hr flight (with no TV's - they use portables but they ran out on the row in front of us!) we arrived, finally, in KL, 1:30pm local time (UK+7hrs).

It was a little warm....

We are staying in airconditioned cupboards in the Tune hotel which is right at the airport. Too tired to explore today and have 4am start tomorrow as we flat to Java first thing. Still, the view from the room takes in a suitable number of palm trees.

We will start keeping a proper record tomorrow when we have had chance to explore Yogyakarta.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Glad to hear you've arrived safely in Kuala Lumpur. I take it the air conditioned cupboards in the Tune hotel were going for a song!?! Looking forward to reading about Yogyakarta.

  3. look forward to all the news!
    Go well and safely
    A & M

  4. we're really enjoying feeling part of the trip- much better than travelling all that way, specially when you're as old as us!
    We like the shampoo ad, but we feel the shroud for Laura is a tad premature!
    Best Love,
    A & M XXXX
